Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

This guy lost a Facebook bet, and had to strip at a Magic Mike XXL screening

*opening strains of Pony*


YESTERDAY, A YOUNG man named Luke Samson made a ridiculous-sounding pledge on Facebook.

He wrote that if he received 1000 likes, he would perform a strip tease during an evening showing of Magic Mike XXL.

“1000 likes,” he probably thought. “I’ll never get 1000 likes.”


samson Source: Luke Samson/Facebook

Yes, the status received over 1,650 likes and 253 shares, prompting Luke Samson to wonder…

luke2 Source: Luke Samson/Facebook

But Samson is an honourable young man and kept his word.

jscVQht Source: Imgur

Once the credits rolled, Samson rocked up in his underpants, performed cartwheels and gyrated his hips, much to everyone’s delight.

Look at that confident stride.

insta Source: Rebecca Iona/YouTube

He really got into it.

insta Source: Rebecca Iona/YouTube

Watch the full, slightly NSFW routine below.

Source: Rebecca Iona/YouTube

23 honest thoughts we had at the Magic Mike XXL Irish premiere >

Those ‘imagine if Magic Mike were about women’ arguments are unnecessary, here’s why >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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